Sunday, July 24, 2011

Calories in an orange

How many calories are in an orange

it all depends on color size flavor skin etc that how many calories in an orange are,

Size Calories Carbohydrate Sugar Protein Fat
1 Large Orange
( 3-1/16" Diameter)
86 21g 17.2g 1.5g 0.3g
1 Medium Orange
( 2-5/8" Diameter)
62 15.5g 12.25g 1.25g 0.2g
1 Small Orange
( 2-3/8" Diameter)
45 11g 9g 0.8g 0.1g

oranges are rich source of dietry fibers and vitamin C, they are also high on natural sugar but have no cholesterol and very low on fats. 

roughly 3500 calories make 1lbs. actually there are 9 calories in each gram so 9x454= 4086 but that doesnt have to confused with fat pounds its dietry calories which also contain protien water etc. for body fat its 7.7 calories in each gram hence its 7.7x454 = 3495
to loose weight its best to combine exercise with calories defecite. for example if you make a defice of 500 calories than your daily needs you will lose 1lbs each week. extreme calories defecite isnt recomended since body will rearrage itself to burn less calories in order to maintain its routine fucntions. eating less than 800 calories a day can seriously disturb heart rythm and could prove fatal.

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